Sunday 19 June 2016

Impromptu Chocolate Fix

Hola Amigos!

So it's sort of crafting, in a roughly put together, make it up as you go along kind of way.

I had that urge we all get for rich and creamy, yummy chocolate one evening, luckily I had stocked up on a couple of well priced bars from Morrisons for such an occasion. My problem was that I didn't just want to chomp away on a block or two (or twelve), I felt like something... more, so I raided the cupboards like I was on Ready Steady Cook and found cornflakes! Hello! That's how this happened -


Good old Pyrex to hand, just a few seconds in the microwave, stir then a few more seconds and stir again until melted, keep an eye on it, you don't want to burn it - yuk!

mmmmm........nom nom nom

Pour in some corny flakey crunch and stir well

Impromtu = use what you've got! No bun cases mean I made a chocolate cornflake slab on a baking tray

Best bit of baking - licking the spoon!

THE SLAB ... hmmmm, missing something methinks

More chocolate, that's it!

Look I washed the spoon, food and hygiene and all that

Repeat melting and drizzle over the slab

That'll do! just wait for it to set then break up and scoff bits when the urge hits

How did I miss Crunchy Nut? Maybe next time

Seen as though she let me lick the bowl when I was little I gave Mum the dark chocolate bowl when I was done 

This was fun and provides a good hit of chocolate when needed!

Now remember kids, snack responsibly, follow healthy eating guidelines, don't burn yourselves, and ENJOY!

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