About Us

Hola Amigos!

Welcome to our blog. We're Katrina and Beth.

We've been best buddies since 1991. Our crafting adventures began in the classroom when we used to cover our hands in pva and peel it off and Beth used to eat crayons (the non toxic variety of course!). We progressed to creating stain glass windows out of toilet paper and felt pens. It was a disaster but a nice memory. In our teenage years we stayed up late decorating denim toiletry bags that came with Sugar magazine (Holla! 90s kids!) and one time we made a giant pair of pants to take to a Busted concert. Our crafting knows no bounds.

Now we're a little bit older we've refined our crafting choices and now make beautiful handmade items for friend's babies and weddings. As life has progressed so has our crafting. We still have the odd disaster but we're still making lovely memories.

By documenting our makes and mistakes we hope our blog will give you confidence to 'have a go'.

Email Us: craftsquadchat@gmail.com

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