Monday 14 March 2016

Twinkle twinkle little yellow tester pot

Twinkle Twinkle Handmade Nursery Wall Art UK Craft Blog Blogger

Self suggested commission...

Our good friend is baking her second baby in her belly oven and I had been discussing her ideas for the nursery with her over a cuppa one afternoon.

Later that day she posted on 'DIY on a budget' Facebook group asking if anyone had decorated a nursery in grey and yellow and for any inspiring photos. Being in the group myself I commented with a few pictures I found on trusty ol' Pinterest, including this little cutie

Twinkle Twinkle Handmade Nursery Wall Art UK Craft Blog Blogger
...and I suggested maybe I could make this mobile out of felt. BUT she said she already has a mobile picked out.

While she was typing that, I was still posting pictures like this

Twinkle Twinkle Handmade Nursery Wall Art UK Craft Blog Blogger

With this photo came this comment :

Twinkle Twinkle Handmade Nursery Wall Art UK Craft Blog Blogger

Hence my getting my craft on, and this post!

I had a shop around for an A4 frame, yellow paint and grey card ... on this occasion it all ended up being from Wilko. I liked the simplicity of the frame with the fact it wasn't varnished so I could paint it, the yellow tester pot was such a happy cute little yellow called bumblebee (in fact Katrina was with me to help pick a perfect yellow)

Wilkos Bumblebee Emulsion Paint Handmade Homemade Nursery Wall Art UK Craft Blog Blogger

and apparently grey card in our local town is difficult to come by, so a pack of coloured pearlescent card seemed like the way to go

Wilkos a4 Pearlescent Card Let's Create handmade homemade craft uk blog blogger

OK so it's more of a silver than grey, and actually ended up out of the window (and into the stash)

I gave the frame a coating of bumblebee and drew up the design on the silver card - YUK! The frame looked ace but (it's not often you'll hear me say this) the shiny card was too shiny!

While I was scratching my noggin thinking of where I'll have to drive to to get some grey card I was putting the glass back in the frame and realised (light bulb!) there was a perfectly good, perfect size, piece of grey card which had come out of the back of the frame.

Twinkle Twinkle Handmade Nursery Wall Art UK Craft Blog Blogger

For the white I used a Uni chalkboard pen

Uni Chalk Marker Craft Handmade Homemade UK Blog Blogger

While my work-in-progress was on the dining table Mr Beth had noticed it's made by Mitsubishi

Uni Chalk Marker Craft Handmade Homemade UK Blog Blogger

After a little googling I have found it's not affiliated with the car manufacturers, bit of a downer after thinking we knew something interesting, but fun fact.

 Back to crafting... I added some more yellow than the Pinterest inspiration picture and it's not a exact copy to scale because I sketched it out freehand

Twinkle Twinkle Handmade Nursery Wall Art UK Craft Blog Blogger

I think it turned out pretty not bad, and our yummy mummy friend loves it, so I'm happy!

Plus I gave her the rest of the paint for matching any other nursery DIY projects so she's very happy!

Beth Craft Squad Handmade Homemade Craft Blog Blogger UK

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