Tuesday 22 March 2016

Crafternoon Projects #2

Hola Amigos,

Welcome back to another sunny crafternoon. The weather has been glorious today and we've pitched up at the brightly lit kitchen table for another session of crafting, tea and putting the world to rights. Ian the dog is pitter, pattering around our feet and we're both working on cards for upcoming birthdays but the first job on the agenda is to repair a vintage necklace that had belonged to Beth's grandma.
Vintage Necklace Repairing Craft Blog Blogger UK Handmade Homemade

Monday 14 March 2016

Twinkle twinkle little yellow tester pot

Twinkle Twinkle Handmade Nursery Wall Art UK Craft Blog Blogger

Self suggested commission...

Our good friend is baking her second baby in her belly oven and I had been discussing her ideas for the nursery with her over a cuppa one afternoon.

Later that day she posted on 'DIY on a budget' Facebook group asking if anyone had decorated a nursery in grey and yellow and for any inspiring photos. Being in the group myself I commented with a few pictures I found on trusty ol' Pinterest, including this little cutie

Thursday 10 March 2016

Crafternoon Projects #1

Hola Amigos!

Thank you for joining us for our first ever blog post. We decided to share a little bit about what we get up to on our regular 'crafternoons'- see what we did there *winks*. Here are the projects we were working on this session. Stay tuned for more details on the individual projects...

Beth is working on a commissioned project for a special friend.